Monday, March 18, 2013

Middle of the Midwest Invite #4

It's on!  June 21, 22 and 23, 2013 the 4th Middle of the Midwest Roundup will be held!  And anyone that would like to attend is welcome!

I can hardly believe that 4 years ago several people who met thru All Recipes got together for lunch at my house.  And then some of them kept coming back yearly!  Yes, we have had different people every year for the roundup and each year has been different.   I wish I could say it was my improving hostess abilities each year that adds new people but when you mix good food, laughter, conversation and wonderful people, the hostess job is a snap.  And yes, sometimes the hostess here does snap.  Could be why my dear friend, Magnolia Blossom, and first time co-hostess sent me these.

I do believe she & a co-conspirator sent another such package to a BBR ( Been Before Rounduper, I refuse to use Old timer to designate those of us that have been here before :).  He got all hot stuff in his due to incendiary nature.

Last year Mr. Harvey or Mr. Hotstuff and his lovely bride attended the roundup.   It was great meeting the quick witted Mike but as some of you know he has battled cancer so when he goes somewhere he tries to support any cancer awareness event in the area.  Last year, he rallied those that come and they attended a cancer walk.  He has done the same this year.  I will let him post the info but it will be the Friday night before the Sat. lunch here.

Let's only hope since I pushed the date back for our get together that we won't be wishing we could see these!

For those that don't know Missouri weather, you never know what you will get.  June could be really nice or really HUMID.  Don't worry we have air conditioning!  And the pool will be up this year.  And lunch will be served on time!  Magnolia Blossom and I proved it could be done when I had the Oct. mini roundup for those that couldn't but wanted to come in June.  Yes, we did it served lunch exactly on time!  So what we forgot some of the stuff in the fridge.  It was still a great lunch and the conversation flowed as it always does.

So for anyone that would like to come but feels like they might be out of place with all of us BBR'ers (Been Here Before Rounduper's), don't worry about it.  The BB faces are great to see but new faces are so welcome.  Feel like you might be overwhelmed in the crowd?  No worries, there are 20 acres here.  Step outside, look at the gardens or the wildlife.  A BB'er will make sure you have everything you need and we won't let you feel left out.  Trust me, the conversation will flow and the laughter is sure to follow.

The menu is the same as before, BBQ.  Lunch will be at 1:00 on Sat.  Friday night's menu hasn't been decided.  It depends on who is coming in and staying with me and if the cancer walkers have time for a stop in.  I do have limited space for ladies only in the RV but I do have it and those that have stayed in it seem to like it.  There are lots of motels in the area.  There are B&B's here.  There is even a house in town to rent but that goes fast.  I tried to get it last year and a wedding party had snapped it up.  This is an historical area for those that would like to extend their stay and see some of the area.  There are quite a few wineries in the area too for those interested in visiting them.  We have some really neat food places to visit in Kansas City.  Sunday will be brunch and the plan is to have it here also.

So, I invite anyone that is interested to email me at, head your message "Midwest Roundup "so it doesn't go to Spam.  I will be more than happy to give any info you would like about the area and the Roundup.  And no, I don't actually know who will be here this year, I didn't last year.  You never know who will show up at these events.  Ah, but the surprises have been most awesome. 

So again I say, The 4th Annual Middle of the Midwest Roundup is on!!!  Can't wait to see the BB'ers and any new faces that would like to come! 

We will have such a great time!  How can you miss with faces like these?

Cat Hill

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